The Options Committee of Making Kenora Home is proposing the sixth poverty challenge, A Walk in Other’s Shoes. This year, we have asked our local business community to take the challenge.

Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $305 per month, $10.00 per day, or $50.00 for the five-day period. A couple would receive $468 per month, allowing a daily budget of $15.60 or $78.00 for five days.

The budget includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day.

The participants will experience some of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face. It is hoped that the event will raise awareness and break barriers for people living in poverty. The challenge takes place February 16th until February 21st, 2016.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

$50 for 5 Days and It's Day 1

I have accepted Making Kenora's Home - Poverty Challenge. While walking through day one, I have noticed that everything is a choice. Will I have a can of Pepsi with lunch or wait and treat myself to a glass of pop later in the evening? At lunch, I choose to have a glass of tap water.

I have consciously set-up a little worksheet to record what I will use on a daily basis: the costs of food and what feels like essentials (toothpaste, shampoo). I will look at it on a daily basis, tracking consumption and doing my very best to stay within the $50 limit.  I feel confident that I can make this work.

What other parts of my world do I need to change or re-arrange? Our primary source of heat is wood. It is split and stacked. And, I just stoked the woodstove. I might wear a warm, wool sweater instead of relying on the secondary source of heat (a freestanding propane stove) to warm up the house, as the sunsets and the temperature drops. And, I happen to live completely off-the-grid on a small lake, about 15 minutes North of Sioux Narrows. I feel lucky. My electricity comes from a bank of batteries, storing DC power when the sun shines. I hope it is a sunny week.  I do wonder about the daily costs associated with satellite TV and the internet. After doing the math, I do not think I can afford the luxury of both - over the five days. I will limit all internet use this week, for work and for blogging. I will only watch TV, every two days. I think I am going to become even more familiar with CBC radio - over the next 120 hours.

Here I am. Still safe, with a shelter over my head. I am especially thankful for that, tonight. To my fellow participants, good luck! I feel like we are in this together. Good evening Craig, Fred and Marion.

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